In person: I Like To Move It - Østre Havnevej 35, 1. sal
5700 Svendborg, Fyn, Denmark
For første gang i Svendborg!
Uanset om du allerede er fan og bekendt med programmet eller om du er helt ny. Denne specialitets workshop, udbudt af SALSATION®, vil gøre det muligt for dig at gå mere i dybden af hvad SALSATION® består af som program. Hele kernen i denne workshop er at udforske den emotionelle effekt programmet indeholder, når vi giver os hen til nuet, musikken og den måde SALSATION® er desginet til at bevæge. Bevæg dig og bliv BEVÆGET.
Herunder følger beskrivelsen af eventet og ved spørgsmål henviser vi til nanna@salsationfitness.com
Der vil også være SALSATION® Masterclass samme dag. Kontakt camilla@iliketomoveit.dk for billet (psssst. der er rabat på masterclass hvis du deltager i Motion To Emotion by SALSATION® workshoppen.
‘It made me remember why I fell in love with SALSATION®’ - Testimonial from a SALSATION® fan.
SALSATION® lovers! Do you want to dig deeper into what SALSATION ® really means? This specialty workshop will take you into the heart of SALSATION® and make you understand where that indescribable feeling comes from!
What do we mean when we say, “MOVE AND BE MOVED”? Why has “DANCE NEVER FELT SO GOOD”?
Motion to Emotion is an intense three-hour workshop, where your trainer will take you on a journey to the core meaning of SALSATION® and how we use musicality, lyrical expression, and the connection of our motions with our emotions.
Through carefully created drills you’ll get a better understanding of why and how certain steps are put to certain pieces of the music. Choreos aren’t created randomly – and this will become very clear; how we create, combine, feel and connect with each and every song to go from motion to emotion.
So, are you ready to take your SALSATION ® journey to the next level? Join Motion to Emotion to discover the added value of not just following rhythm but feeling the music. You will be able to take your own or your students’ SALSATION® skills to the next step.
This workshop is open to everyone; no experience required!
For any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me at:
I look forward to seeing you!